Judicial Council
The Mission of the Judicial Council of the Ninth Circuit is to support the effective and expeditious administration of justice and the safeguarding of fairness in the administration of the courts within the circuit. To do so, it will promote the fair and prompt resolution of disputes, ensure the effective discharge of court business, prevent any form of invidious discrimination, and enhance public understanding of, and confidence in, the judiciary. To help accomplish its governance goals, the Judicial Council relies on three associations of judicial officers and a number of standing advisory committees.
Office of the Circuit Executive
Judicial Conference
The Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference meets annually pursuant to Section 333 of Title 28 of the United States Code. The court of appeals for each circuit shall provide by its rules for representation and active participation at such conference by members of the bar of such circuit. The Order of the Judicial Council of the Ninth Circuit sets forth three purposes of the conference:
• To consider the business of the courts in the Ninth Circuit.
• To advise means of improving the administration of justice in the Ninth Circuit.
• To assist in implementing decisions made by competent authority as to the administration of the business of the courts in the Ninth Circuit.
Policies & Initiatives